Safety Week: 4 Tips for Your Baby’s First Swim Lesson

Children in swim lessons perform significantly better than a child not in swim lessons in every major milestone, no matter the age! At AQUA, we offer swim lessons for children as young as two months old! It can be a scary transition putting your young one in the water for the first time. These four tips will prepare them (and even you) for successful swim lessons.

  • Practice in the Bathtub

Practicing in the bathtub is a fun way to get your child used to the water. You can play with water toys, practice blowing bubbles, and drip water on their faces and heads so they are able to become more familiar with the water. Encourage them to have fun with water toys! Smile a lot and keep the energy positive. Do not force your child to do anything in the water they are not comfortable with. The more you practice, the more comfortable they will become.

Taking your toddler/infant to swim lessons will benefit your child because they will learn how to be safer in and around water. Whenever they show up to their lessons they will know what it feels like to be in the water. The more prepared the better!

  • Visit the facility

Visit the facility where your swim lessons are being held, preferably at the same time as your child’s lesson. If they are familiar with the facility, then showing up to get in the water will not be as frightening. At AQUA, we offer tours whenever you come to sign up! This way you and your child will know exactly what to expect.

Always choose a facility where the staff is certified professionals and has experience with working with young children. All of our AQUA staff is lifeguard, CPR, and USA Swimming Coach certified, as well as having in house training.

  • Make sure the pool is heated!

I don’t know about you, but I do not like getting in the pool with freezing water! Believe it or not,  neither will your baby. If your baby’s temperature drops below 97.7°F, then they are considered to have a low body temperature which leads to hypothermia. It is important to make sure the water is not too cold. Whenever you are choosing a facility, make sure to choose one with a heated pool. This will make the all-around experience better.

At our AQUA facility, we keep our pool at 92 degrees. We don’t want you or your child to be shivering with purple lips!

  • Arrive on time and prepared for the lesson

Plan to arrive 15-20 minutes early to your lesson. This gives you and your baby time to change, use the restroom, and talk to the staff if you have any concerns. Refrain from feeding your infant during the 30 minutes before class to avoid spitting up during the lesson.

These tips will help you and your baby make the most of the swim lessons!!

Get in the pool with AQUA year-round swim lessons! For all ages and all levels starting as young as 2 months old babies! Create an account to schedule a FREE evaluation or call 904-775-9400