New Year, New Life Saving Skill?

“New year, new me” right? It has a nice ring to it for sure, but what about something a bit more realistic… “new year, a new life-saving skill my child can learn at AQUA Swim Club!”. It may not flow as well as the first one, but it is a fantastic resolution! Start off the new decade strong with enrolling your young one in swim lessons. These five reasons will explain the reward of learning this valuable skill.

Full Body Workout

Swimming is a full-body workout that will keep your child healthy. No matter what stroke they are practicing, they are using most of their muscle groups to move their bodies through the water. Swimming builds strength, builds endurance, and tones muscles! This workout benefits your child from as young as two months old, all the way to their adult life.

At AQUA, we have a progress based curriculum that starts out with a parent and tot class and then progresses up to level eight. At level eight the child is able to swim all four strokes and the objective is to refine all of the strokes and improve their technique so they will be able to use them for a lifetime!

Water Safety & Drowning Prevention

Taking swim lessons will increase the knowledge of water safety for your kiddos. At AQUA, we teach ways to stay safer and have fun in and around water! Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in children ages 1-4. This decade, let’s team together to change this appalling statistic by teaching the importance of swim lessons and water safety!

Teaching Commitment 

At AQUA, our swim lessons are once a week for four lessons a month. Having this consistent system teaches your child what it is like to be committed to something and then follow through with it. This is a very important life skill that your child will be able to master. Make 2020 the year of swim lessons!

Promoting Child Development

According to a four-year Early Years Swimming Research Project conducted by Griffith University, found that children younger than five who had swim lessons were more advanced in their cognitive and physical development. Using both sides of their bodies to perform the tasks of swimming develop more nerve fibers in the part of the brain that connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain which affects cognition, ease of learning, gross motor skills, and overall academic performance.

This means that not only will swim lessons to keep your child healthy, prevent drowning, and teach them commitment skills, it will also promote their development! This is the perfect gift to give your child for the new year.

It’s FUN!!!

Finally, swim lessons are FUN! Kids learn faster when they are having fun… so at AQUA we have a LOT of fun. Our fun, engaging lessons are progress based with a small class ratio so your child will continue to grow. All of our instructors are lifeguard and CPR certified, creating a safer environment to have a great time and learn! The positive atmosphere we created at AQUA gives your young one the perfect tools to succeed in this life saving, fun, and beneficial activity.

Start this decade off strong! Enroll your child in swim lessons and make 2020 count!

Schedule a FREE evaluation or call 904-775-9400