Swimming is a great lifelong activity anyone can enjoy at any time. Our members love to spend time in the water! Did you know that swimming has been shown to improve the abilities and skills of athletes who participate in other sports like Football, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, or Cheerleading?

Swimming can help your kids in the following ways:

  • Stronger Lung Capacity – Every time your swimmer gets in the pool and is working on the skills in the pool, the lungs are being worked. This increased lung capacity and your athlete can participate longer!
  • Increased Cardio Stamina – Swimming can help build up cardiovascular stamina the longer they participate in swimming by assisting in blood flow to the heart and lungs.
  • Develop and Strengthen Core – Swimming activates every major muscle group in the body and multiple muscle groups at one time. These muscle groups can be connected by the core.  Sports that require stability will benefit from swimming.
  • Build Muscle Strength – Swimming is great low impact sport. Even though there is low impact, the entire body is receiving a great workout!

Whether you would like to become a swimmer one day or have a passion in another sport, swimming is essential as a lifesaving skill and something that can assist in the development of skills in another sport. Come get in the pool with us today. We look forward to seeing you soon!